Famine in Flames
Day 7


Day 7 dawned slow again. Minor fighting, and more politics.

3/30/99 9:34:54 AM Sir_Justice(SM) killed Lord BoB(CFC) in sector

Here's another political riddle. Why would UFP kill a recruit?

3/30/99 9:35:01 AM Amazonia(UFP) killed blaze(SFA) in sector

Here's a common sense question. If you just died there, why go

3/30/99 10:01:59 AM Sir_Justice(SM) killed Lord BoB(CFC) in sector

The main war opened as Anla'shok snagged a lone Willow out and

3/30/99 3:37:27 PM phalanx(AS) killed Eazydzit(Willow) in sector

More lives were lost to the minefields, as happens every day to the

3/30/99 3:59:37 PM Mr. Gondok was killed by forces owned by
neo-Sufeki in Sector #651

But the main event began late in the Evening. Willow and UC fleets
once more set out for Marine space. The Unforgiven Cartel again
steamed into Livstar. They attacked one planet, and flushed a
newbie. On the next, the caught a Marine on the ground.

3/31/99 12:12:44 AM anton(UC) killed Juan Hung Lowe(SM) while
invading a planet in sector #1114

They reduced one more before returning to base.

Meanwhile, willow was more eclectic in their choices. They took
Marine and Anla'shok planets in Salzic and Omar before turning to
Human space, where they caught an Anla'shok sqauadron parked.

3/31/99 12:25:57 AM Ardbeg II(Willow) killed phalanx(AS) while
invading a planet in sector #262
3/31/99 12:25:58 AM Reese(Willow) killed Dracos(AS) while
invading a planet in sector #262
3/31/99 12:25:58 AM Fate(Willow) killed Blum(AS) while invading a
planet in sector #262

Then, they also retired.

A costly day for the Marines and Anla'shok, with nothing to show on
their side of the ledger, except the lone kill in the morning. No UC
attacks have taken place on Anla'shok, or vice versa, leaving us to
believe the rumor that they are not at war, and Anla'shok does not
believe their MDP with the Marines supercedes their agreement with

This leaves Willow still facing a two front war, the Marines and
Anla'shok. But with the Marines distracted by UC, Anla'shok may find
Willows attention turns more toward them. The Marines will be
stretched to the max. Can they defend their own against both UC
and Willow, while still providing any support to Anla in fending off the
inevitable Willow attacks? Or will diplomacy come into play. Feelings
are running high on both sides of the bloody conflict. The refugee
members of Willow who have seen their alliances decimated by the
Marines must not be disappointed in the turn of events. But Willow
has always stood for peace, though peace through strength.

Has this moved from a war of engagement to a ground campaign?
Will SM attempt to regain their fallen planets, even though Willow's
stubborn and bloody planet defenses have prevented them from
taking and holding a single Willow planet so far? Or, will the Marines
prefer to carry the war to UC, who came late to the party and is seen
by some Marines as having taken some advantage of the situation.

No one knows what will occur tomorrow. Though the Marines were
silent today, no one doubts their ability to rally. Famine awaits the
dawn of the next day of war.

Prologue | Area 51 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9
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