The Speef Killersstbook
Battle in Sector 1501 - Famine
June 3, 1999

It came from deep space, it was huge, nasty, and heavily armed with a scanner rating of 4000. It was The Speef Midnight Special. Where it was constructed nobody knows, rumor has it was custom built from 3 Dreadnought Class Flagships left over from the Civil War that broke the Federation up. Somehow it had been armed with some of the parts confiscated by the Federation during the Arms Race.

It drifted aimlessly sector to sector and galaxy to galaxy until its programming was awaken by God Imes as he tried killing it. Shortly before he ejected he gave the ships last known position out sector # 1501 in the Valheru Galaxy. Once its programming was online it started wreaking havoc and terrifying traders everywhere. Finally Java had tracked it back to its original portion in sector # 1501 in the Valheru Galaxy, later some other Willowstrance members scouted there and reported it gone. Widowmaker, which was an alias used by Elvis Fett, went out to where he had stored his Federal Ultimatum. On his way back he saw through the ship's cloaking device. Seeing such a challenge before him, he couldn't resist. Within 4 hours he assembled an alliance he called The Speef Killers.

Drawing members in Federal Ultimatums from all throughout the universe, from various alliances, it finally consisted of Widowmaker (Elvis Fett), U.S.S. Slayer, CNV-301, Amazonia, Stormy Weathers, Idnib, Night Hawk, Garut, Memek, and Cyrus who ran logistics and tactical support. There was more who wanted to join in but their Death Cruisers lacked the jump capability for deep space travel.

After a 2 hour space battle the deed was done, the infamous Speef Midnight Special was a drifting hulk. Stormy Weathers getting the killing blow and salvaging rights according to the agreement made upon forming the alliance.

Speef Killer statistics

Speef Midnight Special
352/500 10,000 drones, armor, and shields

Widowmaker (Elvis Fett)
Federal Ultimatum
65/16 7 Big Daddy Torpedoes

Amazonia, U.S.S. Slayer, CNV-301, Stormy Weathers, Idnib, Night Hawk, Garut, Memek
Federal Ultimatums
50/16 4 Holy Hand Grenades, 3 Big Daddy Torpedoes

Cyrus was the on the communications channel not preset in game.

1501 was a sector in the Valheru galaxy only accessible by jumping making it 30 turns a repair run. It was also had a Federal beacon making it Federal space.

10,000 drones did enough damage to strip all the shields of a Federal Ultimatum each turns and the weapon severely damage another.

It took a total of 11 attacks with an average of 5 Federal Ultimatums being present for each attack due to latecomers and people running out of turns because of the high number of turns needed for a repair run.

Widowmaker (Elvis Fett) was the lead attacker, it took 6 attacks to kill the 10,000 drones, 3 attacks to dissipate the shields, and 2 attacks to breach the hull.

  • 1st round 5 FUs 352/500 down to 301/439
  • 2nd round 5 FUs down to 301/439
  • 3rd round 5 FUs down to 254/302
  • 4th round 7 FUs down to 189/304
  • 5th round 6 FUs down to 110/210
  • 6th round 4 FUs down to 102/196
  • (finally killed all 10,000 drones)
  • 7th round 4 FUs down to 102/165
  • 8th round 5 Fus down to 102/125
  • 9th round 6 FUs down to 102/79
  • (shields went down)
  • 10th round 6 FUs down to 102/39
  • 11th round Speef in his Speef Midnight Special was destroyed.

The password to the alliance was Kill Da Wabbit.

- written by Elvis Fett

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