From: ISN#5 (
Date: Monday, February 21, 2000 07:39 PM

FEB 21, 3000

ISN is back online!!!

Welcome back to InterStellar News!!! Yes that's right, we are back online to serve you! We will write all types of news and will try to be as neutral and uninvolved as possible. For some to help to keep us as neutral as possible, I would like everyone (especially the leaders of the "bigger" alliances) to contact me with some news when they have it.

If you have any suggestion, news or the few things I asked before, could you please, e-mail me at, thanks in advance.

PG in Flames!!!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, it seems that the Proving Grounds universe has exploded in the last few hours. The 3rd Minister of the Interior Free-Zone galaxy informed us that the center of the Galaxy was burning up! Don’t close your eyes just yet, what you’re reading isn't some fake news to catch your attention, Professor Mika Al-Thek confirmed to us that there was an immense surplus of hydrogen gas that was currently burning up the Free-Zone galaxy and it spread out, fast and furious. The population surrounding this zone immediately fled the area. The fireball was so huge that all the galaxies were at major risk, scientists at Manton Prime predict that in few hours the universe will be calmed down. The strength of the explosion has been heard in surrounding galaxies, even as far as the Millennium Area. Members of a few alliances had started fighting each other, and anything else they can find resulting in a constant flow of news and really keeping the pod factories busy. But all this is now history...

Stuck in snow!!!

The poor guy... The popular Hero of War from Empiria galaxy in Cerebia Area got stuck on his planet due to... Snow! Yes you got it right! Wayne Jordan couldn't launch off his ship from the platform. The snow incapacitated any liftoff (the shear weight of 18 feet over a several hundred square foot area is too much for any of the new Human XLS Series Engines, which are geared more for reliability, comfort and keeping a constant speed rather then acceleration). The captain had given up and hope, and got comfortable by gathering the crew around some of the methane powered fireplaces. They were apparently toasting marshmallows, when a leak triggered a series of explosions that freed the ship from the snow cover and launched it into a death spiral which forced the mammoth ship to crash into a mountain. You can currently view the support workers and Human Search and Rescue Squads live on TV4H (TV for Humans), HBO (Human Broadcasting Organization) and HOH (Haters of Humans) as they search for survivors. The film crews from 26th Century Fox are currently making a movie with scenes of actors eating some of the dead. The made-4-TV-movie, which will be called "Non-Living" is expected to air mid-next week (yet another sloppy job by those fat-cat IK-Thorne who took over FOX Broadcasting company in their attempts to stop shaundy programming on network TV).

My mine is mine!

The newly upgraded mines are creating havoc at every corner of every universe. As the record books have been checked there have never been this many deaths to forces in such a short period. These significantly improved mines have taken their tolls on each alliance in each galaxy. The IK-Thorne have been accused of working in junction with the Federation to raise the market value of the Federal ships and their crumbling economy. The Federation ships only receive half damage from forces in sector therefore boosting the average sale of Federation ships from 8.32 daily to over 19.5. With the extreme price increase of mines and Combat Drones (from 3,000 to 10,000 [mines] and 2,700 to 10,000 [combat drones]) the IK-Thorne are profiting a major increase in their economy and their ports are booming (so are the sectors but they’re BOOMing due to mines).

Lag Strikes Back!

Some very unexplainable events have occurred in the recent past, a new universe for newbies has been created and a new information processor (server), for all ships vital information was added, the result being a gigantic amount of lag. The lead Scientist in Manton Prime, Speef, has taken the new data processor down as a test to improve these immense electronic storms. He also thinks that the current state of the Proving Grounds Universe and the "Detonation" which has occured only hours ago will help stop some of these storms. The abandonment of a newbie universe in approximately a week should stop the excess energy from spilling into large empty areas which then cause the storms, which as a result cause lag.

The Racial-Kill Game

In this great era of year 3000, the new season of Racial-Kill 3000 is starting. For the new participants, this sport is 2 opposing races. It is simple.. the race that get the most kills on the other race. Here, I talk about pure killing... not mine field killing.. or not while invading planets. Only ship to ship kills. Every newspaper edition, there will be some new games that will be played on certain days and only the specified day will count. The season will last a few weeks. If a few wonder what is the purpose of killing for killing is, it is to defend the pride of your race! I hope you will accomplish your mission and defend you race with honor! There is also the possibility to win 50 million for the best Racial-Killer! And now... Lets get ready to rrrrrumble!!!!

The first game will be the Creonti Galactica against the Ik-Thorne Flaming Drones and will start Tuesday. Good luck!

Picture of the week

Ever wonder what human kind looked in year 2000?
Yeehaa, lucky we're in year 3000!

Thanks a lot for reading this edition of InterStellar News. I hope you enjoyed it. As you can see, there is not much in-game news at the moment, so if you have any news, ideas or comments to submit, e-mail us at

Thanks a lot

ISN editor #5


THIS JUST IN: Someone slipped a data crystal into the ISN Headquarters. The crystal contained the following reports from Kanas, leader of the Sneezy Syndacate on maneuvers:

Ascension raid. Target: planet 499.

Joint effort by a combined assault team of TU and Sneezy warships. During the assault, Princess Galadriel and ManiacMax came into sector and were consequently destroyed by Gilgamesh and DudeMan respectively. The planet assault continued. Kane and AcidFox were destroyed by Elvis Fett after the planet defenses were breached. Stefan Zagny was killed by DudeMan after planet defenses were breached. End of assault.

Operatives involved: Gilgamesh, Eo8, DudeMan, Elvis Fett.



Ascension raid. Target: planet 499.

Planet 498 was canibalized as a restock point. No one on planet, canceled turret construction and received 500k. Another joint assault by TU and Sneezy warships. DudeMan claimed the planet and got the 500k. During the preparation of this assault. Paramatrix of TU was killed b Metzen of TRG. Plans were made to retaliate against TRG.

Operatives involved: Gilgamesh, Eo8, Montana Mike, Dude Man.


TRG raid. Target: planet 1189.

Planet destroyed promptly. Uno in same sector. Federal space as well. No one on planet.

Operatives involved: Gilgamesh, Eo8, GirDraxon, Montana Mike, DudeMan, Elvis Fett.


TRG raid. Target: planet 1003.

Planet destroyed promptly. Barclay fled the planet while still under newbie protection.

Operatives involved: Gilgamesh, GirDraxon, Eo8, Dude Man.


TRG raid. Target: planet 353.

Planet destroyed promptly. No one on planet.

Operatives involved: Gilgamesh, Eo8.


TRG raid. Target: planet 566.

Planet was under assault when Rook43 was spotted in adjacent sector, 565. Gilgamesh went to check out the report. No one in sector 565. Gilgamesh went to restock in sector 511 where there was an uno hardware store. Rook43 was detected in sector 564. Gilgamesh went to check it out again, destroyed 50 mines in 1 round in said sector. Initiated attack on Rook43. Commed Eo8 to come help out. 2nd, 3rd, 4th round, Rook43 destroyed. In ITAC, 750k cash looted. Gilgamesh and Eo8 returned to base due to shortage of fuel.


End of Reports.


ISN Editor #4